VVF Solutions Inc.
Your Information Technology Specialists

Phone: 631-517-0841
Email: info@vvfsolutions.com

Services Overview

Below is a list of technology services that we specialize in for business development. This is by no means a complete list but it should give you an idea of our capabilities.

Consulting Services - In order to successfully deliver technology solutions "needs gathering" needs to take place. Sometimes there are more cost effect solutions than originally thought that can achieve the desired results at a fraction of the cost.

Cloud Computing Services - We have the expertise in delivering solutions from partners such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) to utilize their offerings to enable you to focus on your business growth rather than mundane tasks of servicing your infrastructure. Selecting the right combinations of products and offerings is what we do best and enable you to cost effectively manage your operations 24/7.

Business Development - Business development often times is a ground up infrastructure setup. I always use the analogy of a house, if the foundation is setup properly you have a sturdy foundation on which to build your business.

Security Audits - I find this to be one of the most over looked sections in technology. If development is not properly secured you risk you entire business infrastructure. You can compromise customer data and even expose yourself to lawsuits.

Scripting Automation - This is one of the most cost effective things that every business should do, by automating everyday business tasks (backups, database, network permissions) you enable you IT staff to concentrate on things that grow the business and generate revenue.

Firewalls - There are many approaches to delivering firewall solutions to secure a network. You can choose a Linux based firewall all the way to a Cisco® appliances. Either approach controls exactly what goes in and out of your network.

Server Installations - Servers are the heart of any network. Ensuring your business has the horsepower to deliver products, services and support. At VVF Solutions we have over 29 years experience deploying exactly what you business requires.

Microsoft - Desktop solutions, server setups, active directory deployment.

Unix/Linux - Generally used in server environments. Low cost and high availability make this a cost effective solution.

Database Services - The heart of all businesses generally require a database to store and deliver data throughout your network. VVF Solutions has over 29 years in enterprise database experience from setups to performance tuning. We're well versed in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and others.

Performance Tuning / Optimization - This service is one of our specialties, many times systems are over burdened and over loaded. The cause of the these issues range but are many times it's due to inexperience and over sights when initially deployed.

Web Services - We offer a wide range of "web" services. We support businesses from small to large and every budget. It's not everyone that understands technology trends and how they should be applied to business. This is what we do, so rest assured you'll be delivered a professional and scalable product.

Hosting - We provide hosting with redundant hardware configured for failover. All hardware, software and configuration is managed so you don't have to do anything. This is a service we offer our clients so we can provide them a cost effective solutions that goes hand in hand with our services.

Site Design - The look, feel and flow of you site is a reflection of your professionalism. Many times this is one of the most over looked area in small businesses.

Site Migration - Moving offices? Moving data centers? Upgrading equipment? If you answered yes to any of these we have the knowledge to minimize downtime.

Programming - Need development? We specialize in many programming languages (ColdFusion, .NET, ASP, PHP, SQL and many others) and have the knowledge to deliver you success!

eMail - More and more business are relying on email these days. Email is a cost effect way to communicate almost instantly with individuals around the globe. We have a tools you need to deliver, support and expand upon your email requirements.

Wordpress - Do you need upgrades to your Wordpress website? Would you like a cookie-cutter website? Should you desire a Wordpress website we can create one for you. Complete solutions from setup to hosting!

Amazon Web Services - Would you like to move your infrastructure to the cloud? We specialize in AWS offerings and regular attend their conferences to stay up to date in this ' evolving technology. AWS saves countless businesses time and money by letting you focus on business and not managing technology!

Not sure which services or technology are right for your business?
Call 631-517-0841 to speak to us about your needs and we'll recommend a cost effect solution!

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